Even if your home appears clean and tidy, it does not mean that your premises are pest-free. Bed bugs can make your home their shelter, no matter how well-cleaned or hygienic it is. Known as the hitchhikers of the insect planet, bed bugs tend to latch onto your clothing, mattresses, bags, shoes, etc, multiplying their numbers in no time. And if left untreated for long, they can build their own kingdom in your place giving you sleepless nights and painful bites.
Since these pests nest into your personal gear, using pesticides is not at all appropriate as it can lead to several threatening consequences. And this is when the need for bed bug heat treatment arises. Though a lot of people assume heat treatment will not be very much effective to eradicate bed bug infestation. But truth to be told, heat treatment or fumigation is the most excellent way of getting rid of these pests, and sometimes it shows better results than chemicals. And to prove the authenticity of our point, today we are here with our explanation of 5 reasons why bed bug heat treatment is effective.
How Does Bed Bug Heat Treatment Work?
Before jumping into the core topic, i.e., the efficiency of the heat treatment, we first want you to know how the heat treatment actually works. Bed bugs are not very friendly to heat and warmth. When the temp rises to 117 to 112 degrees F, it becomes lethal for the pest. The temperature keeps rising until all the bed bugs are eradicated in the process.
To permeate the infested items, they are put inside hot boxes for an extended period, and gradually, the heat is increased. In case of heavy infestation, high-powered 500,000 BTU heaters are employed. Since there is no use of chemicals or pesticides, you can use your gears safely after that.
5 Reasons Bed Bug Heat Treatments are Effective
Bed bugs and heat never share a good relationship, and taking advantage of it, pest exterminators use this technique to clear the pest. Let’s check what are the reasons that make bed bug heat treatment so much effective:
- Heat Treatment Clears The Undetected Bed Bugs
These nasty buggers that leave red painful bites on your skin are very hard to find. These tiny annoying bugs quickly hide inside wall crannies, nooks of your room, tiny holes, etc., whenever they smell a threat. This makes the inspection program very tough.
Even if you dispose of your bed bug-infested furnishings, mattresses, and clothing, they would again make their come back. There is a fine way of removing bed bugs and preventing their infestation, i.e., heat treatment. Bed bugs can never run away from the heat and ultimately lose their lives.
- Clears The Pesticide-Resistant Bed Bugs
During the growth cycle, bed bugs shed their outer skin layer around 5 times. If they have been exposed to any pesticide or sprays, they can form a separate shield on their body that can resist the chemical substance. Some bugs even secrete offspring, making them resistant to any chemical substance. And it’s impossible to kill a bed bug that can resist the pesticide, but the bed bug heat treatment works in all cases, ensuring guaranteed results.
- Only One Session Required
Since bed bugs are very tiny, their presence is detected once they have infested a wide part of your home. Any regular chemical treatment would require multiple sessions, and could not even eradicate the infestation from the roots. On the other, only one session of heat treatment is enough to abolish the total bed bug infestation on your premises.
- No Evacuation Required
Besides being safe and harmless compared to the chemical treatment, bed bug heat treatment does not even ask for an evacuation. This, in turn, makes it an effective choice for businesses and motels with a bed bug infestation. In heat treatment, a room can be treated without leaving any effects on the other rooms. This lets hotels and organisations continue their businesses while eradicating bed bugs from the infested area at the same time.
- No Residuals Left
The best thing about Bed bug heat treatment is safety. First of all, there’s no risk of endangering your premises with toxic and lethal chemicals. Secondly, unlike chemicals with heat treatment, there are no residuals. The only thing that is left is tons of dead bed bugs. As soon as your room comes to its normal temperature, it remains chemical-free and bed bug-free. In addition to that, the high heat kills all possible germs and bacteria, and viruses present on your property, promoting hygiene.
As you can see Bed bug heat treatment is very safe and effective in comparison with other extermination techniques available. The only thing you need to consider with heat treatment is to remove all the heat-sensitive items from the room and unplug the electrical appliances during the procedure.